Smart 22 - 4G Router Configuration Guide
Foreword: 4G router is an optional internet access device installed in the charger, which can provide a 4G internet access point for the charger. If there is not a local Wi-Fi access point at installation site, 4G router can be your choice. Usually the charger isn’t connected to the 4G router when factory out. Please follow the steps to connect charger to the 4G router.
1. Insert SIM or Ethernet:
Insert a 4G SIM Card into the SIM card port at the edge of the 4G router. Or insert the ethernet cable with RJ45 connector.
Note: Please make sure your SIM card is valid and internet service active before installation
2. Connect to the Router:
Connect your smartphone or computer to the Wi-Fi of the 4G router Wi-Fi Name(SSID): Wi-Fi-****, (**** is the last 4 digitals of the router MAC)
Password: 12345678
3. Log in to the Router Settings:
Log in to the setting page of the 4G router and input (IP of the 4G router) in your web browser.
Username: admin
Password: admin
4. Router Configuration:
Click “Mode” in the top navigation bar, choose the following SIM Card Operation: Choose “3G/4G Wireless Routing Mode” and apply. (or) Ethernet Cable Operation: Choose “Standard Wireless Router Mode” and apply. After “apply” the 4G router will reboot and switch to 4G mode
5. OCPP Backend Configuration:
If you find your mobile or computer is connected to the internet via the Wi-Fi of the 4G router means the 4G router is online now. Use the 4G router’s Wi-Fi as the source of internet and connect the chargers individually using the EVSE Mesh app by following the instructions from the User manual or OCPP integration guide provided by CITA EV. If you have any questions during this process please reach out to CITA EV Support team at +44 800 368 6362 or email at